Visual editor

Our editor, like the rest of the platform is combined from the very same four elements. You enter a URL, and are immediately presented with a visual editor of the ‘page’ you wish to edit.
Funnel targeting

An extensive visual editor

Our visual editor requires no setup or preliminary implementation. Enter a URL and immediately set up an experiment. Use our editor to select page elements (Selectors) and deploy experiments. There are eight types of variants which can be used across many selectors.

Here’s how it works; when clicking on any element in the page, you’ll be presented with a drop-down menu enabling you to choose the type of selector you wish to create (for example, when clicking on a link, you’ll be shown a menu enabling toy to change its caption text, font style and destination URL). To target or experiment content with specific users, simply combine variants (content types, such as destination URL) with audiences and selectors (the combination of a page element and its target attribute, such as link + caption text + destination URL).

< src="" alt="picture-landscape" class="smallimginspect" srcset="" data-udy-fe="image_416145338">
Image source
Alt text
Text format
Text color
Destination URL
Funnel targeting

Simple components

The editor consists of the following components. By publishing the experiment, you receive a single JavaScript snippet which is responsible for all of your configurations.

Address bar

The address bar contains the original site URL along with predefined variant parameters. Once pasted, it will display the variants on a replica of the page.*

Resolution drop-down

Preview the layout of your page and your experiments on a desktop, tablet, and mobile resolutions.

Selectors count

The number of selectors which are being experimented on this page.


The number of warnings or errors with the selectors on this page.

Action Panels

Twik features "Action panels" to edit everything throughout the platform. The platform action panels will automatically be triggered when trying to edit an element (ie. Variant, Audience or Selector) via the charts or visual editor.


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